My Portfolio

My name is Seif listen . I'm a Full Stack Developer from Jordan. I build beautiful Web apps with strong focus on performance, SEO and overall awesomeness.

I'm an expert on building blazing fast APIs and performant fronted, don't believe me? Just watch.

My CV (July 2021)

My GitHub

TECH STACK (with badges #👑):


  PHP/Laravel, Node/Express.


  React, Vue, AMP, PWAs, (for SEO).


  AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Containerization


  Google Assistant.
Seif Elmughrabi

Seif Elmughrabi

Full Stack Developer
📍 Jordan (also remote #🌍)

My Works

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An Enterprise Management System to manage employees and office locations in Saudi Arabia.

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Oman-based startup that inspires people to visit the Middle East using User Generated Content.



Contributed to Friendture (now called ViaVii) - it'll serve travelers to FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. is a phone topup website in the UAE. It integrates with telecom and payment APIs.

Envago Genie 🧞

Envago Genie is a Google Assistant bot that helps users discover and book trending travel trips.

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Excurj is peer to peer travel app. I built with classmates at the University of Glasgow.

Leadership and Activities


  • The University of Glasgow, Scotland, 2016 - MSc Software Development. Advanced Database Systems, Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms, design patterns, Agile practices and cyber security.
  • The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars, 2008, Washington, DC - Studied business cases, interned at a DC startup, participated in talks and discusions with DC-based politicians, influencers and tech leaders.
  • al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan, 2010 - BSc Software Engineering. 

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